Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Tasting Turning Leaf Cabernet Sauvignon

Name: Turning Leaf Cabernet Sauvignon

Variety: Cabernet Sauvignon

Region: Modesto, California

Country: USA

Price: $11.99

Year: 2014

Shop Review/ Bottle Review: As you uncork this bottle of our Cabernet Sauvignon, we invite you to enjoy the aromas and flavors of black cherries, hints of oak, and brown spice in the Turning Leaf Cabernet Sauvignon.

My Review: From the initial smell, I didn't think this wine had an extremely "red wine" like smell. It was somewhat acidic smelling, but perhaps a bit watered down. I did get a dark cherry whiff, along with a sour pear smell. I couldn't really get the distinct oaky taste, but it did taste a bit woody to me. To me, it tasted like a cherry like grape juice that went bad.

I did not pair this food and probably won't, since it's a pretty cheap wine that didn't have that great of flavor.

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